Case : Job Loss 
Working abroad and fearing a job loss. Will there be a job loss? Trying to find a new job in the gulf region. Able to find a job there? Will there be a temporary/ permanent break?
Horoscope Analysis
- Rashi chart, Leo or Simha is the ascendant/ lagna.
- Jupiter is placed in the lagna. Moon and Rahu are placed in the eighth house.
- Saturn is placed in ninth house.
- Mars,Sun and Mercury are placed in the eleventh house.
- Venus is placed in the twelfth house.
- Rahu and ketu are placed in the eighth and the second houses respectively.
Cause & Effect Report
1. Currently running the Venus- Rahu period according to horoscope.
2. Venus owns the houses of karma and parakrama and is placed in the house of losses and aspects the house of prarabdha in the horoscope.
3. Lagnesh Sun is placed in the house of gains with Mars and Mercury. Mars governs the houses of home comforts and dharma and destiny and aspects the houses of family and wealth and prarabdha. Mercury is swagrahi and owns the house of family and wealth too,in the horoscope. All the three planets aspect the house of sanchit good karma.
4. Jupiter governs the eighth trik house and the house of sanchit good karma and is placed in the lagna. Jupiter aspects the house of sanchit good karma in his own sign of Sagittarius, the house of partnerships and Saturn.
5. Moon is placed in the eighth trik house,owns the house of losses and aspects the house of family and wealth in the horoscope.
6. Saturn is weak ,placed in the house of dharma and destiny and governs the houses of prarabdha and partnerships in the horoscope and aspects Mars, Sun, Mercury and the third and the sixth houses .
7. Saturn and Sun are vargottam.
8. Jupiter is Lagnesh,exalted but placed in a trik house of the navamsa.
9. The D 10 chart shows satisfactory career .
Predictions & Suggestions
- Should be careful about your job/ career between mid 2017- October 2018 according to the indications of horoscope.
- The period till mid 2020 shows some ups and downs in career ,changes or switching of jobs and some uncertainty.
- A job loss as such is not indicated much in the near future,but may look for jobs elsewhere, or in gulf region.
- Chances of finding a job are favourable till October this year.
- Yogas for finding a good job exist in the later period too,in the horoscope.
- Earnings from foreign countries are indicated in the current period and during this year and further period also,
- Some unexpected changes may occur in the period till mid 2020, according to the indications of the horoscope.
- Mental tensions are also not ruled out in this period.
- The horoscope shows a grahan yoga.
- It may not be a permanent break in career ,but be on guard.
- Don’t wait for being laid off job, though it might not happen too.
- May try for jobs in the gulf countries in the current period.
Perform suggested remedies for brightening prospects by doing good karma and increasing the positivity.